Tuesday, November 25, 2003

The good thing about having a blog is that people email you when you send up the red flag, to find out if you're okay. Thank you people.

I feel better now. The trouble had to do with someone I have to edit, who thinks I'm doing it all wrong. She sent me an email in protest of some imagined slight, I insisted we sit down to talk it out, and things continued badly from there. Anyway, I can't get into details, but the humiliating low point of our "conversation" was when I said, "why do you hate me?" (it was in context, believe it or not, but I'm still embarrassed I said it aloud), and, well, there were numerous low points for the other person, who was very angry. Yet somehow I was the one who ended up trembling with adrenaline and then crying in the bathroom afterwards - in secret, I hope (except for you, dear readers). After all of the nasty things were said, I still had to fix it, being the uber-responsible one. So I did, with a simple solution that could have come about easily if the person had confronted me days ago instead of letting their annoyance build for an entire week, finally spilling it out in a vitriolic email to me.

That's all I can say here.

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