Thursday, January 08, 2004

If you saw a woman wearing a big puffy red coat walking a dog wearing a matching red coat down 66 towards Main Street this morning, yes, that was me. The matching color was a mistake, an accident. My dog was sporting her new Land's End Reversable Squall Jacket because it is Very Cold and I had to walk from my mechanic's to the office.

Indulge me, for I am going to tell a story about my dog: The receptionist here keeps dog biscuits at her desk for the office dogs. This morning she made L sit for a biscuit, which L dropped on the ground, sniffed, and ignored, looking up hopefully. The receptionist says "Oh, she doesn't like the vegetarian ones," and goes into her desk for the regular kind. After scarfing up the regular meaty biscuit, she quickly leans down and scarfs up the vegetarian one. The sneaky bastard!

Speaking of bastards, it turns out that Dennis of Span-hike fame is a secret cartoonist. He thinks he sucks, but his cartoons made me laugh. My favorite was one titled "Bastard Children of Incredible Bastards," I think. Anyway, he and his lovely girlfriend hosted a craft night last night, and we tried to talk him into publishing, on the web at least. So at least you can bug him to show you his stuff next time you see him.

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