They are still kittens, still getting their adult-cat teeth and grown-up meows in, but they are getting bigger every day. They both do that ridiculously-cute, trilling purr-meow combo that sounds like they're asking questions. They play with each other all the time, stalking, pouncing, and wrestling. There's never a dull moment.
Here's June looking gorgeous in the sun, with a special cameo of Hambone's adorable toes.
I officially adopted these two and gave the third foster kitten, Tom, back to the shelter, where I am hoping he didn't have to wait long for a home. He was cute and pretty and friendly so I assume he's already relaxing with his new family.
In other news, the Rug Burns suffered a tremendous defeat at trivia last night. It was the perfect storm: there were about 7 questions we didn't even have educated guesses for (which has never happened before); our regular table was snatched up by another team before we made it there; and the regular host wasn't there, which always throws off the night. We didn't even place. But that's okay, we will have to make up for it next time.
they are both so beautiful. what unique and expressive eyes!
nice cats.
so, when are we going to hear about your grand prize-winning halloween costume and all the excitement gearing up for that event? pictures, too please!!
Hambone and Junebug -- two great names for two adorable cats. I am happy for you and the two additions to your family!
Dear Hambone and Junebug,
We think we kind of look alike. We were adopted at two months old in January 2007 in Hong Kong. Please see our photos here if you're interested. :-)
Great kitties and photos!
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