Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Transperformance was last night, and as usual, everyone rocked and were hilarious, the kids were dancing and goofing around the whole night, and I had a great time. I took a bunch of photos but only 6 were good enough to upload. You can see them all here.

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Rick said...
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Rick said...

(Trying again owing to a potentially rude typo): That was some crazy bug, huh? And did you get to keep the wig? Very fetching, as were Lesa's and Ken's.

Anonymous said...

debbie--i like your photos.

my guess is you were probably congratulating the fawns for their fine performance during my brief moment onstage, but since i haven't seen any photos of me in my get-up, i was wondering if by chance you have even a blurry photo of me and sue onstage...