Tuesday, May 27, 2003

I had a motherly weekend. I was the mother. I took one kid to the mall and drove her to a friend's house, and I helped the other one with a science project involving pond life. I took her to the pond that lies near the center of town and we scooped up water in a big bucket, looking for algae, a particular plant, and water fleas. The fleas are crucial to the experiment but we didn't find any. Hopefully her teacher will give us a clue on how to get some, since this experiment is from a hand-out she gave us. Poking around in the pond was fun. I don't remember my parents doing anything like that with me.

I also had to treat one of the kids for lice. She was pretty mellow about the whole thing; she's 14, which normally would be a prime age for a freak-out. I related; I got a bad case of lice when I was 16. It was incredibly creepy (literally) and horrifying and embarrassing (I didn't tell anyone, of course) though it was a good illustration of how random getting lice is - I showered every single day back then. Anyway, I used my past experience to take control of the lice treatment. Bought some over-the-counter poison shampoo, rubbed it into her head, then combed it through with a nit comb. I actually wasn't certain she had lice until I caught a couple on the comb. It brought back the memories... After getting one I'd dunk the comb into a bowl of water to get rid of it. When I was all done I flushed the water down the toilet; somehow just sending them down the sunk drain didn't feel like enough. Nasty little things.

Anyway, with all of the mom-ing I didn't get nearly as much sorting and packing done as I'd liked. I did work on some random projects I must finish before I move:

Painted one of my seat-less chairs. Now I just need to weave a seat onto it.

Went through my stack of fabric, found a too-big dress I was going to use for fabric, cut off the skirt part and made it into a finished skirt with a zipper closure.

Did a little weeding outside.

I put a bunch of stuff on eBay. I changed my name so it would be a little harder for people who know me from my job to see that I'm using my position for personal gain. I'm not doing anything unethical, really, but I just don't want to raise any eyebrows.

I also bought a bikini (on sale), going back on my one-pieces-for-now-on resolution I made two summers ago. I couldn't resist. Bikinis are very handy for changing in and out of on the fly, like when I drive to a swimmin hole and want to change before I get back into the car.

I need to stop spending money now.

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