Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Ew. Click here to read about the most not-wonderful thing about Tiggers. This is not the guy I picture inside of the fur suit when I get my photo taken with those things. I shudder.

A downward spiral sounds pretty fun. Like in Chutes and Ladders, I kind of liked getting the chutes because you got to slide down the slide. Never mind it meant you would lose the game, it was the fun that counted. I currently have a necrotizing spot of leprosy (okay, I think it's just a little impetigo) on my right nostril. It makes me want to tie a dirty rag around my face and yell "unclean!" as I walk through town. If I keep my head down and tilted to the side a little it's not so noticeable. I got some prescription ointment yesterday which is making it do dramatic things; it no longer looks like a regular scab but has become somehow more disgusting. I won't elaborate. Just turn away, if you see me, turn away from my shame. I went out after the Death Cab for Cutie show last night to buy my friend a drink (she got me in for free). I drank mine really fast and left because it was getting late, and it didn't seem to hit me until I got home. Then I was all stumbly and drunky and very tired while walking the dog and then eating cereal with the TV on Leno then Conan. I sank down until I was dozing horizontally on the sofa with the dog shellacked onto me. Eventually she got up and then I was too cold so I went to bed.

This is what happens when you have a horrendous-looking wound on your nose.

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