Sunday, April 18, 2004

So I'm back from Brooklyn. The big city, yo! It was nice. I got a lot of baby time. When L isn't crying or sleeping or breastfeeding, she's very interactive and cute, smiling and staring intently into your eyes or at the ceiling fan (her favorite view). There was a lot of singing to her, and a lot of manipulating her still-uncontrollable limbs to "swim" or "run and jump" or "charleston" or "frog kick." Then, last night, a breakthrough. Sc had her on his chest, and he was blowing raspberries. She was smiling and watching very closely. Then, suddenly, she stuck her tongue out of her mouth a little bit, and made a tiny "pbbit" noise. S said "Hey, she did it! What a smart baby!! Good girl!" I came over and watched and after a few moments she did it again. We were both laughing and excitedly shouting encouragement, and then Sa came over and saw her do it, and Sa was so excited that she said "Oh my god, this is so amazing. I feel like calling Mom!" It was so cool that actual communication was happening. She still isn't as smart as my dog ... but not for much longer. And, sorry dog, but she is more adorable. Of course I don't have to deal with hours of screaming and crying each day. Which is the great thing about being an aunt.

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