Monday, March 31, 2003

I had a perfect rainy cold Sunday yesterday. I got up late, ate some pancakes P generously made for us, put a few things on eBay (clothes and a midi sequencer of P's), helped T with one of those annoying time-consuming projects that take forever and are of dubious educational value (in this case, a Jeopardy gameboard for a trivia quiz about Lewis and Clark), and I didn't leave the house until around 10 p.m., when I went to 7-11 and bought some ice cream novelties for everyone (chocolate eclair bars, oh baby). We also watched Goodfellas, and my handyman pal came over to assess our crumbling bathroom situation. Next weekend he's gonna do the brunt of the work. We will attempt to help.

The war thing is just incredibly depressing and filled with gray areas. I tend to see both sides of everything - the opposite of Noam Chomsky, I guess (I read most of the long profile of him in the recent New Yorker), who seems to believe in absolute truth.

Got free Indian food at work for lunch and now I'm like an overfilled balloon (which reminds me - watched Futurama last night on Cartoon Network, and it was a hilarious episode about Star Trek... I have to start looking out for airings of it, it's really growing on me). More later...

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