Thursday, March 27, 2003

A sure sign of spring - there are three Tag Sales posted in the classifieds today. Soon I'll be doing one of my own.

P has been slowly raking up the flattened piles of leaves from the lawn. The newly-exposed grass is all yellowed and twisted. It will do fine, however.

Not much to say today. Lots of thinking about my future. I fluctuate between feeling hopeful and excited, to feeling guilty and loathesome, to feeling scared and overwhelmed.

And then there's the war, which isn't going well. The Iraqis are defending their country - imagine that! All we said was we'd come in, take over, and change almost everything about their way of life; why aren't they greeting us with open arms? And they're being crafty, dressing as civilians and pretending to surrender, only to come out guns ablaze. So unfair!

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