Thursday, July 10, 2003

Ah. Today, I am officially homeless. Home-free. The sale of my home is complete. I have a nice fat check I get to deposit tomorrow. It would be today, but the seller's lawyer is a complete prick. Just nasty all around. He yelled at my paralegal today because she dared to suggest that instead of him mailing a check to the water department and having them mail the check back to him (because I recently paid the bill), he simply not send the check to the water company in the first place. He yelled at my paralegal for being so stupid and ignorant to suggest that not sending the unneccessary check was even an option. What a dickhead.

Anyway, email me and I'll tell you this rat-like little fuck's name. I'd print it here but he'd probably make this into some libel case against me. I will tell you that his office is within a one-block radius of Packard's, and the first letter of his last name is "S." The last letter of his last name is "L."

Lawyer guy, just remember - it's not libel or slander if the bad stuff they're saying about you is TRUE.

Anyway, it's kind of a relief that it's all over with (except for several piles of junk- I mean, Valuable Treasures in the garage, that I'll be selling at a tag sale next weekend) and it's also quite a buzz to have my nest egg heading back into my bank account. Ice cream's on me, kids!

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